Continuous frequency range - no convergence after 1000 iterations

Good evening
I wanted to obtain the S-parameters for 3 dual-polarized Vivaldi antennas. I can do this for a few linearly spaced discrete points. I then wanted to obtain the S-parameters for a continuous frequency range. However, after a week and 1000 iterations, the maximum number of sample points was reached and the simulation terminated. Is it possible to continue this simulation and use the frequency data that has already been calculated or does this mean I have to start from scratch and there is no way to use the already calculated frequency data? Does this also mean that the current S-parameters are not correct since the answer did not converge after 1000 iterations?
You can plot the 1000 discrete samples that were calculated already. They will be correct.
In POSTFEKO you can set the graph to plot as follows (Trace, Sampling Settings):
The interpolated data could be inaccurate but only in some areas of the frequency range where there may be e.g. some numerical noise - the interpolation could have tried to interpolate that unsuccessfully.
If the temporary files of a continuous run have been kept a continuous run can be resumed by setting the start frequency to the last incomplete frequency.
Also see the User Manual - search for ADAPTFEKO.