Wrong Displacement

hi I have a problem with my model. I am applying forces to a helicopter blade but I get a displacement of about 8 meters when I should have values below one meter. The forces that I enter are the gravity (grav card), the centrifugal force (rforce card) and the thrust along z equal to 7786N. If I run the analysis without the thrust I have displacements of the order of millimeters while when I put the thrust I have absurd displacements. I tried to insert it in different ways both in point and distributed load. Someone can help me?
Could you share *.fem file?
Can you estimate displacement theorically?
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This is the link for the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/jyui40asdiajkjm/remeshtot.hm?dl=0 ( too big for upload in the forum).
I cannot evaluate displacements theoretically but I know the range within which I must be less than one meter. In my analyzes I obtain displacements along z (axis perpendicular to the length of the blade) greater than 6 meters,Thank you tinh
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Did you confirm unit of force and material parameters?
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The model is in mm , so E and G are expressed in MPa instead the density in tonn. The force is in N . To verify the integrity of the model I performed a modal analysis and the first 3 frequencies the modes are those typical of an cantilever beam.