What's New in PollEx 2023

JungSup Kim_21048
Altair Employee

PollEx 2023 is available with a long list of new features, corrections, and improvements. Let's have a look at the key features of Altair PollEx 2023!
- The PCB menus have been reorganized to provide better clarity.
Figure 1. PCB menu reorganization
- The Technical Cleanliness feature has been enhanced to export analysis results to ODB++ format.
Figure 2. Technical Cleanliness result export to ODB++
- The Technical Cleanliness feature has been enhanced to export analysis results to ODB++ format.
- The Board category in DFM now has a new Layer Stack-up checking item.
Figure 3. New Layer Stack-up checking item in DFM
- The Board category in DFM now has a new Layer Stack-up checking item.
- The Pattern category in DFM now has a new Acute Angle checking item.
Figure 4. The new Acute Angle checking item in DFM
- The Pattern category in DFM now has a new Acute Angle checking item.
- A new SerDes simulation feature has now been added to Network Analysis for single or differential lines. This feature verifies the Bathtub and Statistical eye diagrams for the IBIS-AMI-based SerDes models in SI. A SerDes system simulation involves a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx) connected by a passive analog channel. You can perform statistical analysis and time-domain analysis. This function will enable you to quickly and accurately analyze the SerDes full channel composed of PCB, Connector, and Cable.
Figure 5. SerDes Analysis
Figure 6. Statistical Eye Diagram: Normal
Figure 7. Statistical Eye Diagram: PAM4
- A new SerDes simulation feature has now been added to Network Analysis for single or differential lines. This feature verifies the Bathtub and Statistical eye diagrams for the IBIS-AMI-based SerDes models in SI. A SerDes system simulation involves a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx) connected by a passive analog channel. You can perform statistical analysis and time-domain analysis. This function will enable you to quickly and accurately analyze the SerDes full channel composed of PCB, Connector, and Cable.
- A new feature to enable automatic setup of pin mapping using Excel has now been added to the package S-Parameter model in SI. After extracting the S-Parameter of the package using Network Analysis, you can perform Signal Integrity Analysis of the entire flow of DIE + Package + PCB more easily by connecting it to the simulation model. However, to extract the S-Parameter Model of the Lead Wire of the package, use other 3D tools.
Figure 8. Package S-Parameter extract & insert flow
- A new feature to enable automatic setup of pin mapping using Excel has now been added to the package S-Parameter model in SI. After extracting the S-Parameter of the package using Network Analysis, you can perform Signal Integrity Analysis of the entire flow of DIE + Package + PCB more easily by connecting it to the simulation model. However, to extract the S-Parameter Model of the Lead Wire of the package, use other 3D tools.
- The IR Drop engine has now been enhanced to mesh 'trace-type net' which improves accuracy in PI. Since the mesh trace requires more analysis time, you can select the mesh type and review the Current Density in the trace-type object based on your requirements.
Figure 9. Mesh-style option
Figure 10. Current Density: Polygon Mesh
Figure 11. Current Density: Polygon + Trace Mesh
PollEx 2023 can be downloaded from the AltairOne Marketplace.