What’s new in HyperWorks CFD 2022

As a part of the quarterly release, HyperWorks-CFD 2022.0 version adds improvements in all CFD modeling areas, such as geometry modeling, AcuSolve physics setup, meshing, and post-processing. Follow this presentation to get the latest updates straight from development.
Part replacement capabilities, along with CAD wrapper updates, improve productivity for large-complex modeling and variant modeling.
Enhancements and new features in the physics setup enable users to setup simulations for many more applications such as mist catchers, cyclone separators, static mixtures for the pharmaceutical industry, train simulations under tunnels, food injection modeling, and car door opening.
Meshing robustness and performance have improved a lot enabling users to create a mesh quickly for complex models. Improvements have been made for surface and volume meshing. New features like edge layer meshing will make 2D simulation meshing very easy.
Boundary group management improvements help users to organize their model quickly and with ease. Streamline multi-threading enables users to generate streamlines for large models very quickly.