HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #13 - Leveraging HyperView in HyperStudy studies

Altair Employee

"I would like to get HyperView results automatically extracted in HyperStudy for the purpose of my DOE or Optimization studies."
If that query sounds familiar, you'll be excited to learn:
Altair HyperStudy™ version 2021.1 offers a HyperView model type that enables users with an easy way to extract results obtained through HyperView Hotspot Finder tool.
The hotspots can be stored in an *.mvw session file. Then the same session file is used as the resource file in the HyperView model to extract those hotspots automatically at each evaluation from HyperStudy.
To learn more, watch this step-by-step video :
Give a try in your studies and let us know your feedback !