Issue with node set export- SimLab 2018

Roshan Shiveshwar
Roshan Shiveshwar Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I am currently using SimLab 2018 for pre-processing.

When I export the FE model as Ansys .cdb file from SimLab and import it in Ansys solver,  the sets are not getting imported. 

The sets are expected to be imported as 'COMPONENT SETS'  which used to happen when I was using older SimLab versions.


Is there something that I am missing out during Solver Input File export or some bug in the appplication?


SimLab version details:




  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2019

    Hi Roshan,


    Following sets are supported in SimLab for Ansys interface.

    1. Node set
    2. Shell element set
    3. Solid element set

    If you create the above sets, it will write 'CMBLOCK' card in ANSYS solver deck file (*.cdb). I checked in SimLab 2018 version and it works fine.


    Can you please let me know which set you created?


    Thanks & Regards,


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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Sets.jpg

  • Roshan Shiveshwar
    Roshan Shiveshwar Altair Community Member
    edited December 2019

    Thanks Santosh for the response!


    I re-evaluated the .cdb file again and  following are my observations:

    • Export cdb from Simlab 14 :  The .cdb file gets imported in Ansys(MAPDL) without any issue. Node sets are also accessible.
    • Export cdb from Simlab 2018 :  While importing .cdb file in Ansys(MAPDL), I get warning messages. If I allow these messages, the import gets completed and node sets are accesible or else the model data will be partially imported (which was happening previously)

    Below is the screengrab showing the warning messages.  So, far  these warnings have not harmed us.  Yet,  we are trying to figure out what these messages imply.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>message-Ansys.thumb.png.1d621434d6f9533972240ceff9b1740b.png.

  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2019

    Hi Roshan,


    I created node sets in SimLab 2018 version and exported as ANSYS cdb file. Import the ANSYS cdb file in ANSYS (MAPDL) and I did not see any error.


    Attached the sample ANSYS cdb file exported from SimLab 2018 version. Can you please import this cdb file ANSYS (MAPDL) and see whether you are getting any error?


    Also, can you please send a sample cdb file exported from SimLab 2018 version? We will check this and get back you.

    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog