Error when importing external .fem unit cell

Sigfrid Altair Community Member
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone,


I created an external unit cell, meshed it in Hypermesh and defined everything according to the Multiscale Designer Manual

- Periodic mesh on opposing faces of unit cell

- 3D mesh with only CTETRA elements

- One component for each micro-phase (with component ID 1 & 2)

- One property (PSOLID) for each micro-phase (with property ID 1 & 2)


When I try to import my .fem-file in MSD I get the erroro message depicted below.

I tried to import the external unit cell from the examples folder of Multiscale Designer and that worked.

So the setup of my MSD works in principal but cannot import my file.


Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Thanks for your support.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Error.JPG


  • Sigfrid
    Sigfrid Altair Community Member
    edited August 2019

    Problem solved.


    There where some issue with the node numbers in my model.

    For MSD the node IDs must be from 1-n without gaps. I thought that they were... but after renumbering the import worked

  • RobHoglund
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2020

    I know this post is old/resolved, but one point to add here for reference.  You need to make sure Nodes and Elements are numbered from 1-N using renumber panel, and also that the properties are assigned to the components before you export from HyperMesh to the OptiStruct deck.

    Rob H.