How to output Cd using multiple surfaces in acuLiftdrag utility script

I have part wing as 3 different element set (like wing_tetra, wing_pyra, wing_hexa). When i extract Cd/Cl using acuLiftDrag it is giving for only one surface or for all.
This is the example command for single surface output
acuLiftDrag -osis airfoil -aoa 5 -ref_vel 14.54 -chord 1 -rho 1.225
-span 50
This is the example command for all surface output
acuLiftDrag -osis _all -aoa 5 -ref_vel 14.54 -chord 1 -rho 1.225
-span 50
Please tell me command for multiple surface output (not all) as shown in below attached figure.
I would suggest two options.
1. Install the current version (2020 instead of 2017) and use SURFACE_SET commands to define the different surfaces. Then in SURFACE_OUTPUT you can list the various surface sets in one surface output to use with acuLiftDrag.
2. Convert the entire mesh to tets in order to obtain just one surface for the plane with all trias and attached only to tets.