Super Elements – Accelerate analysis in the design process – Part 2

Product = GENESIS
Now that a superelement is explained in the last week’s blog, let’s illustrate the application with the following example in GENESIS®:
A Normal Mode Analysis is performed for a BIW Body-In-White (BIW) Model of an Automobile. Initially, the analysis is run without superelements and the results are studied.
Normal Mode Analysis of BIW:
The BIW model of a 4-door sedan car is chosen for the analysis. All the components are made up of steel with a young’s modulus 210GPa. Figure 1 below shows the BIW model of the car.

Figure 1. Car BIW Model
The analysis is performed for the first 15 frequency modes, targeting the frequency range 0-50 Hz. The figures 2 & 3 show the first and tenth mode respectively. The first natural frequency for the BIW occurred at 23.05 Hz, which is a localized twisting in the front in the X-Y plane. The computational time for the Normal Mode Analysis is 24 Seconds.

Figure 2. First mode of car BIW, 23.05 Hz

Figure 3. Tenth mode of car BIW, 39.3 Hz
That’s all for the week’s blog. In the next week, the superelement topic is concluded, with the Normal Mode Analysis of BIW Model ran with using superelements and the results are compared.