Remedies for OptiStruct error *** ERROR # 332 *** RBE3 element ID 1234 has singularities - check element data.
This error can occur if RBE3 element have weight factor as 0.0 even if PARAM,RBECOL,OFFSET is defined.
- Consider following example of spot weld (ACM) between two plates. We Can observed Weighting factor for grid 2383 if is 0.0. We will recalculate weighting factors for this RBE3 based on its distance.
- Double click on required RBE3 and click on weighing scale icon.
- Click on thunder icon to calculate the Weighting factor for selected RBE3.
- The recalculated value of weighting factor can be observed.
- This will eliminate the ERROR # 332
- Note: Please make sure to select RBE3 with singularities to recalculate.