How to display only one component of a vector quantity?

The functions that allow displaying components of vector quantities are: Vec3(x,y,z) in Flux3D and Vec2(x,y) in Flux2D.

Ex. In order to display the first component of B the formula is: Vec3(Comp(1,B),0,0)

All the functions for treatment of the vectors are gathered in the table below.

ModV(v)Vector modulus of the vector expression v
Comp(i,v)Component i of the vector expression v
PVec(v1,v2)Vector product of 2 real vector expressions
Vec2(x,y)2D vector built starting from the real expressions x and y
Vec3(x,y,z)3D vector built starting from the real expressions x, y and z
Mod(x)General modulus of the expression x: Mod(x)=ModV(ModC(x))