Some solver output files (h3d from OptiStruct for instance) embeds system information. Then by loading only the h3d file, you can get all your model systems in the Result browser.
For other solvers, you will need to load in HyperView the solver input file as model file, and the solver output file as result file.
If you need to add extra systems on-the-fly, you can also do it from HyperView:
In the contour panel, select your data type (stress, displacement), switch the Resolved In to User System (proj: none) and select your system:
Then Apply.
First create a tracking system (in the model browser, right click -> Create -> Tracking System).
Define it with 3 nodes (option Plane). Pick as N1 the node you want to use as origin for relative displacement.
Then go to the Contour panel, request for displacement, and check the Use Tracking System option and Apply.
Tracking system is not available for static animation mode.
So you need to switch from Static animation mode to transient animation mode, and apply the process mentioned in the previous question.
Doing so, you won’t see anymore the deformed shape of your components, but you will be able to contour relative displacements wrt a given node.
For this you need to create a Measure of type Incremental distance and pick the two nodes of interest.
Make sure to create the Measure at t=0, otherwise your reference will we the current simulation time.
Once the Measure done, you can review it by clicking on the Review Measures icon.
It opens a pop-up when you can preview the curve, and you can ask from this pop-up to place the curve on a New or Existing window.
For this question we need to have a look at the equations.
Let’s call Lx the elongation between node 1 and node2 along x. Lx is computed as:
Lx(t) = ΔLx(t) - ΔLx(0), with ΔLx(t)=x2(t)-x1(t).
Same for Y and Z.
Now if we look at the “magnitude” L(t), it is not equal to the resultant of Lx, Ly and Lz, because it corresponds to ΔL(t) - ΔL(0), with ΔL(t)=sqrt( ΔLx(t)² + ΔLy(t)² + ΔLz(t)²).
First you need to create a Measure of type Incremental angle and pick the three nodes of interest.
Make sure to create the Measure at t=0, otherwise your reference will we the current simulation time.
Once the Measure done, you can review it by clicking on the Review Measures icon.
It opens a pop-up when you can preview the curve, and you can ask from this pop-up to place the curve on a New or Existing window.
Intrusion or deflection is a local deformation of a structure, eg a car door against a pole impact.
This require as step 1 to define a relative displacement for a transient simulation, as described in one of the question above.
When creating the tracking system of type Plane, N1 and N2 should be the extremity of the path to be draw.
Once the Relative displacement contoured, create a Measure of type Node Path, then select back N1 and N2. HyperView will automatically select the shortest path between N1 and N2.
If you need to update your node selection, pick the Measure in the Result Browser and use the Pick button to update the selection.
Also, please note that if you draw a section, HyperStudy will create interpolation nodes at the intersection between the element edges and the section plane. They will be displayed with a * suffix:
Once the Measure done, you can review it by clicking on the Review Measures icon.
It opens a pop-up where you can preview the curve, and you can ask from this pop-up to place the curve on a New or Existing window.
User frequently requests about plotting a contour (stress, strain, temperature, pressure, ...) along a node path or a direction.
Plotting nodal results is pretty straightfoward: display your contour, then create a Measure of type Node Path, then select your nodes N1 and N2. HyperView will automatically select the shortest path between N1 and N2.
If you need to update your node selection, pick the Measure in the Result Browser and use the Pick button to update the selection.
Also, please note that if you draw a section, HyperStudy will create interpolation nodes at the intersection between the element edges and the section plane. They will be displayed with a * suffix:
Once the measure done, you can review it by clicking on the Review Measures icon:
It opens a pop-up where you can preview the curve, change the abscissa (choose X, Y Z or magnitude), and you can ask from this pop-up to place the curve on a New or Existing window.
If you're dealing with an elemental contour, there is currently no straight-forward process, so we recommend to apply an average on your contour so that you switch to a nodal contour.