Considerations when using Feko with different Message Passing Interfaces (MPI)

Feko is tested and supports the MPI versions that are shipped with the official installations and recorded in the documentation of Altair Simulation products.

Feko is ABI compatible and in some cases, it may be required/desirable to use a different MPI versions than those that are shipped with the installation. Not all combinations are tested and there may be some additional installation/configuration requirements for specific MPI's which are not documented in Altair's official documentation.

In this article some thoughts/ideas on what you should consider when troubleshooting problems with a specific MPI are summarized. The information is based on support cases/customer requests and is not exhaustive.

Using Feko with Intel MPI 2021.3 and newer

Additional packages may be required.

Please review Intel's online documentation for your specific system, e.g.

The required packages depend on which IB support is installed. 2 options are: