Altair Feko: Radome Modelling with MoM Characterised Surfaces: Workflow & Limitations


1) Calculate Transmission & Reflection (TR) coefficients of a planar layered structure and export to *.tr file.

Use the Planar Multilayer Substrate solution for isotropic layered structures or Periodic Boundary Condition solution for FSS type structures.

Can re-use a *.tr file that was previously used with the RL-GO asymptotic solution assuming that the phase reference position was at the top of the layered structure.

2) Define a characterised surface on air (εr=1) dielectric region solved with the SEP MoM / MLFMM solution.

Example 1: Modelling a single layer radome with a characterised surface.

Figure 1: Single dielectric layer radome (some faces are hidden) excited with a Hertzian dipole array

The characterised surfaces must be applied to an air dielectric region solved with SEP MoM/MLFMM. Can use the inner surface of the radome layer together with the metallic backplate to form an air dielectric region.

Figure 2: Single layer radome modelled via characterised surfaces on a closed air dielectric region

Example 2: Modelling a FSS radome with a characterised surface


Figure 3: Cylindrical radome with single εr=2.2 dielectric layer with hexagonal slot FSS surface in the middle.

Again, the characterised surfaces must be applied to an air dielectric region solved with SEP MoM/MLFMM. In this case an option is to remove the FSS surface and change the properties of the dielectric layer to air. Note the air dielectric layer thickness can be chosen to some convenient value related to the mesh size. The characterised surface is applied on the surface closest to the source.

Figure 4: Cylindrical FSS radome modelled via characterised surfaces

Limitations of the characterised surface approximation