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Monarch is Altair’s self-service data preparation solution. It connects to multiple data sources including, structured and unstructured data, cloud-based data, and big data. Monarch 2021.0 is now available to all licensed users and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. Here’s a high-level…
Ask The Expert Series on July 27, 2021 Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) The Session began with a brief overview of Model & Workspace Verify Objects in Monarch Server(Automator) before diving into the LIVE Questions. Question & Answer: 1. Is there a way or a script that could be added to an Automator project? I have an…
Knowledge Studio is Altair’s full spectrum AI and machine learning solution. It operationalizes mountains of data to help you make decisions that you can trust. Knowledge Studio 2021.2 is now available to all licensed users and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. You can find a high-level…
Question? What does a conventional LED lighting company do to expand its market horizon and build more value for its end customers? Answer: Create a new product line that is unique, and is a cost effective and innovative solution in the connected building marketplace. Dan Hollenkamp – COO, Toggled, talks about their…
Panopticon 2021.1 is now available to all licensed users and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. You can find a high-level summary of the improvements in this release attached to this post. Click here to read the release notes for complete details on changes in this new version. Here’s a…
Panopticon 2021.1 introduces new ways to control tick mark labels on time axes. End Points and Tick Points menus provide a wide range of formats to choose from and dashboard designers can also specify custom formats. The Minimum Time Axis Range and the associated Increment Step menus provide new levels of control when…
Panopticon 2021.1 introduces five new text color palettes that give dashboard designers more styling choices. Designers can also create custom palettes and save those as part of a theme for later reuse. This video was produced with Panopticon 2021.1.
Panopticon 2021.1 supports the ability to draw two types of path lines on map plots: * Great circle arcs are curved lines that follow the surface of the Earth. * Rhumb lines are straight and connect map positions based on a Mercator projection. Analysts can filter the number of map points displayed on a map plot and the…
Panopticon 2021.1 supports two new types of combination visualizations: Numeric combination visualizations and text combination visualizations. These amplify the capabilities of the existing time combination visualization. The numeric and text combination graphs allow users to add multiple variables to the same chart and…
Panopticon provides several options for configuring the alignment of axis tick mark labels. Dashboard designers can set the labels at any angle, positive or negative. In a live dashboard, Panopticon will automatically adjust and display fewer labels If there is not enough space to accommodate labels for every tick point.…
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