A space for data analytics & AI related technical resources and discussions.
Panopticon Real Time (visualization server) ships with a number of ready-made example workbooks and dashboards. These are delivered in the form of a bundle file with the file extension .EXZ called Examples.exz. A Panopticon bundle file can contain one or several workbooks, one or several folders with workbooks, and…
Ask The Expert Series on February 22, 2022 Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) The Session began with a brief overview of Analyze Tab - Summaries in Monarch Complete v.2021 (Classic & DPS Mode) before diving into the LIVE Questions. The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following: * Session began with Steve…
Hi all, We have set up our first live training seminars for Data Analytics on the Altair Learn site (https://learn.altair.com/) under Class Schedule. The first course will be Knowledge Studio Introduction and will run 9:30am-12noon EST (2.5hours per day) from March 7th – March 10th. The second course will be Knowledge…
Ask The Expert Series on February 8, 2022 Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) The Session began with a brief overview of Basic Process with Input and Output Distribution in Monarch Server v.2020/v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following: * Session began with…
This video provides a quick overview of the Monarch Server Home Page.
Panopticon Real Time has a number of Special Server Parameters. They serve the purpose of giving access to information about the current server system time, the workbook you are viewing, and the current user. You can think of them a little bit like environment variables of the current user session. The special server…
Differences Between Filters and Parameters There are two principles that control the data to include and exclude, and show or hide in a Panopticon dashboard: Filters and Parameters. The reason we have both is that Panopticon Real Time is for in-memory visualization and analysis. Thanks to working in-memory, users of…
Learn Data Science and Machine Learning with Altair SmartWorks Analytics with this series of how to videos in SmartWorks Analytics
Fiserv, First Data VisionPlus is a Card Processing system that enables Financial Institutions to manage and service their Credit and Debit Card Portfolios effectively, throughout the lifecycle of the product. VisionPlus consists of many modules for managing a cards business such as: •CMS – Credit Management System•CTA –…
Oracle ERP provides a best-in-class suite of ERP applications that enable organizations across multiple industry verticals to accomplish their business objectives. •Fusion Cloud ERP•NetSuite•E-Business Suite•And many other productsThese ERP applications generate reports that are critical to the management of financial…
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