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This tutorial uses SmartCtrl to design a PI controller for a current loop of a buck converter. The design method used is applicable to any topology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbsPRwNg1HM
This video covers the design of a field-oriented control regime for a PMSM. The video covers how to determine the PI controller for Id, Iq, and speed. A methodology using PSIM and SmartCtrl is presented with a stable solution as the result. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sExOzUxqxE
Learn how to co-simulate with PSIM and ModelSim to verify your Verilog code. This requires the additional ModCoupler module. You can apply the same workflow to verify VHDL code. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpBhM9WgiTM
Using PSIM and SmartCtrl this video looks at designing the outer voltage loop of a buck regulator. This is a continuation of a previous video where we designed the inner current loop already. A PI controller will be implemented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag7GFsPLYFg
In this tutorial video, you will learn to use SmartCtrl's equation editor for general control system design. You will learn how to define the transfer function for the plant and sensor in the s-domain and then chose an appropriate controller to close the loop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpoCpC-oX7Q
This tutorial video covers the main features of the PSIM SPICE module: - SPICE simulation setup - SPICE model import from the manufacturer - export of netlist to run with 3rd party simulator A buck converter is used as the design example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Iac1N8100
Since PSIM version 11.1 you have the ability to invoke LTSPICE from PSIM as well as to "dual define" switch models to be PSIM and SPICE compatible so that the transition between a PSIM simulation and SPICE simulation is seamless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soR44B-xTeI
This tutorial covers the use of a Level 2 IGBT model for PSIM. The level 2 model is not a SPICE model and is not a piece-wise approximation. The level 2 model is derived from datasheet parameters and gives a more realistic look at gate drive and switching transitions. It is easier to use and is compatible with digital and…
AC sweeps or frequency responses in PSIM make use of switching models, so there is no need to determine the average model. You can do a sweep on simple dc-dc converters, peak current mode control, digital control, motor models, phase shift converters, 3-phase inverters, loop gain response, and input/output impedance. Any…
This tutorial video covers the new Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) element that was added in PSIM v12. This element has a new control node that allows sampling at any point in the period. This shifted sample does not impact other timings in the simulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N7bbruJkqE
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