A space for simulation related technical resources and discussions.
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2500 Bonding V2.zip Tutorial Overview * Hertz-Mindlin with bonding contact model version 2 * Particle contact radius setup and definition * Creation of a Meta Particle * Setting Meta Particle size distribution * Meta Particle post-processing Model Overview Creation…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2300 Electrostatics and Tribocharging Printer.zip Tutorial Overview * Contact model with Electrostatics * Long range electrostatic force and Tribocharging capabilities * Adding charge to parts of the geometry * Generation of linear graph to see the increase of charge…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2200 LEBM Unconfined Compression.zip EDEM Linear Elastic Bonded Model (LEBM) Tutorial The focus of this tutorial is on: * Using the LEBM contact model * Setting up and defining the Particle contact radius * Using Volume Packing * Displaying and analyzing the bonds…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2100 Tavares UFRJ Breakage SAG Mill.zip SAG Mill Breakage Tutorial Overview The simulation shows the breaking of larger rocks due to impacts and grinding of smaller particles. * Specification of mill dynamics (rotational movement) * Creation of breakable materials *…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2000 EEPA Tablet Press.zip EDEM Tablet Press Tutorial Overview This tutorial demonstrates the capabilities of the Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion (EEPA) contact model through the simulation of a pharmaceutical tablet press. The main concepts investigated here are: *…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 1200 Rock Box.zip EDEM Conveyor Rock Box Tutorial Overview Set-up of a simulation in EDEM with a focus on post-processing. The tutorial script is divided into two parts for EDEM Classroom and Professional edition. * Mixed shape solver (Polyhedral particles +…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF * EDEM 1000 Conveyor.zip This tutorial details the set-up of a simulation and covers the following EDEM functions: * Creation of Particle and Geometry materials * Creation of Particles with a User Defined Size distribution * Creation of a MultiSphere Particle Prototype. The multi-sphere…
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 1100 Screw Auger.zip EDEM Screw Auger Tutorial Overview This tutorial details the set-up of simulation and explanation of main functions of EDEM. * Defining the domain * Linear rotation of geometry * Analysis of particles' velocity and contact forces * Setup of…
In this article we are going to discuss multiple faults study in PSIM, and how to implement multiple faults in PSIM, and integrate it into HyperStudy. Nominal position. Positioning switches at fault location. The red circles are the fault locations, and it is provided with bi-directional switches. Fault Location Status 1…
Implicit modeling refers to geometry that is represented using implicit functions, which can be thought of as a 3D grid using scalar values. This feature was first introduced to Altair Inspire in release 2023. To extract implicit models in an STL or 3MF format, the use of converting to mesh is necessary. Versions 2023…
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