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I am using Thea v3 for Rhino. I have an educational license which the Altair website says is activated with no remaining activations. It doesn't expire until May 25 2025. My copy of Thea is saying that it is unlicensed, and imputing the activation key gives the message "failed to activate key on the current machine." This…
Hello Team, Need Assistance on installation of the managed-AU license for AU Mechanical Engineer v2024 as well as AU Mechanical Engineer v2024 from 2024-12-23 to 2025-01-22. I am not able to Understand what the process, I am not able to get a downloadable file. I have attached the screenshot of the Managed Licences File…
Altair Allocatorは、複数サイトのクラスター上で動作しているAltair Accelerator(ジョブスケジューラー)に対してライセンスの割り当てを行う製品です。 時間帯で、複数サイトで使用されているライセンスを共有したり、特定のユーザーに割り当てたりすることで、ライセンスの使用率を向上させることが出来ます。