
David Hubin
David Hubin Altair Community Member
edited April 2023 in Community Q&A

I recently got a new computer and tried to download HyperMesh but it only installed HyperWorks. Has HyperMesh's old GUI been removed?



  • Michael Herve
    Michael Herve
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    Hello David,


    in version 2022.2 we decided to hide the HyperMesh shortcut. Still, it remains available:



    As several users reported us they were struggling for getting the icon visible as it requires admin rights, we have made the icon visible again with the version 2022.3 we just released 2 days ago.


    That said, is there any chance you can share the reasons why we were not able yet to convince you about the benefits of the new interface?


    Best Regards,


  • David Hubin
    David Hubin Altair Community Member
    edited April 2023

    Thank you Michael for the help. 

    I wasn't able to find the 2022.2 version of HM as your tutorial showed but I was able to get 2021 version as I had installed both HyperWorks versions in hopes that the older one would have HM. 

    I haven't given the new interface much of a chance yet and I can definitely see that it has promise. The main reason that I haven't used it much is that I am using HM's composite laminate optimization capabilities through optistruct. The tutorials I have been able to find walk you through how to perform this optimization process through the legacy interface.