Wire Connections
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 06/12/2015 - 05:30
Help, I created a simple model of a sinusoid passed through a limit and sinking into a plot. The sin amplitude is set to 10 and the limit is set to 0 to 6. My plot displays a sin wave with amplitude 10.
Submitted by Ric on Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:54.
It’s a little tricky until you’ve had this problem.
If you suspect something is not connected, you can check in one of three ways:
- Select the “check connections” option in the “System/System Properties/Preferences' block
- Hold the left mouse button down on the block you suspect, wiggle it, confirm its input(s) and output(s) are connected as shown by green connection lines to its source and sink blocks.
- After a simulation run, move the mouse over the suspect connector. A popup will tell you the value of the signal on that connector. If it says 'Not Executed', then it is not connected to a consumer block. It may be connect to another block, but unless some block member is connected to a signal consumer such as plot, display, export, PWM etc. the block group will not be executed.