Motion View overwriting edited .adf file ?

I have edited the .adf file as I wanted to add a steering controller. After editing the necessary changes when I am running a straight-line braking simulation the .adf file is back to its original state and the edits are gone. Do I need to select the .adf file from within the software somewhere?
I need this controller as I want to conduct a straight-line braking event, but the scooter is leaving its plane for some reason, I have tried couple of ways to lock the steering, but they didn't work, and this method was suggested by someone on this community and seems to be a promising solution. Can anyone help me.
I have attached a text file containing all the .adf file values which is there by default in the simulation.
and these are the guide files I am referring to for creating a straight path.
Feed-forward Steering Controller - Two-wheelers (
Sequence of Straights and Arcs (
One more thing in the braking simulation how to select the straight path created in .adf? because i can just select a .rdf file from there
Best Answer
Hello Draucis,
When you hit the Run button to solve a model, MotionView writes out the .adf file along with the .xml file. In your case, if the filename is identical it will be over-written.
If you wish to use your hand-edited .adf as an input, you need to add an "AltairDriver File" event and then use your .adf file as an input through the event dialog.
Further, to make the vehicle follow a path or a centerline, the .adf needs to be edited to include this path. Locking the steering will not make the vehicle go straight. Locking the steering is analogous to holding the steering tight when you are driving/riding, without applying steering corrections that are needed due to residual lateral forces that can induce a shift in the trajectory.
Sequence of Straights and Arcs (
Attached is an example .adf (rename the extension to .adf) file that has the acceleration event updated with a path. You could do the same with the braking event as well.
Hello Draucis,
When you hit the Run button to solve a model, MotionView writes out the .adf file along with the .xml file. In your case, if the filename is identical it will be over-written.
If you wish to use your hand-edited .adf as an input, you need to add an "AltairDriver File" event and then use your .adf file as an input through the event dialog.
Further, to make the vehicle follow a path or a centerline, the .adf needs to be edited to include this path. Locking the steering will not make the vehicle go straight. Locking the steering is analogous to holding the steering tight when you are driving/riding, without applying steering corrections that are needed due to residual lateral forces that can induce a shift in the trajectory.
Sequence of Straights and Arcs (
Attached is an example .adf (rename the extension to .adf) file that has the acceleration event updated with a path. You could do the same with the braking event as well.
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Hello Raghavendra.
Thank you so much for your input, this has cleared up a lot of things I was not aware of earlier.
This community is great, thanks again for helping out. I will surely experiment with the files you provided.