In recent versions of Workbench visit the Help menu and select Workspace Log File and then either Copy to Clipboard or Show Location in System Explorer.
The file is called simply ".log" and can be sent to Altair Data Analytics Customer Support as an email attachment.
In older versions of Workbench you need to know the location of your Workspace folder/directory. On Windows this is typically contained in your Documents folder inside a sub-folder called "Workbench Workspaces". (You may be prompted for your workspace folder when you start up Workbench but if not, have a look in File > Switch Workspace... for your full workspace folder path.)
Inside your workspace folder is a hidden folder (i.e. name beginning with ".") called ".metadata", and inside the .metadata folder is the log file ".log" which is also hidden, because its name also begins with a ".".
If Windows Explorer is not showing you these hidden items then visit the View tab and tick the checkbox "Hidden Items".
A typical .log file on Windows is called something like:
C:\Users\username\Documents\Workbench Workspaces\Workspace1\.metadata\.log
Send this file to Altair Data Analytics Customer Support by attaching it to a support ticket or to an email.