Tutorial: Import a file and convert it into an Implicit Geometry using the API Python in Inspire

The aim of this article is to show and provide a script which allows the user to import a file and then convert it into an Implicit Modeling using the API Python in Inspire. This script can be taken as a reference to be replicated in further and different workflows.
For this example, the model used is in the Demo Browser (F7) in Inspire and this is called “bolt.x_t”.
The script can be copied directly into the Python API to obtain the result of the following image.
from hwx import inspire
model = inspire.getModel()
print("parts:", model.parts)
filePath = inspire.getTutorialFilePath("Structures/bolt.x_t")
print("parts:", model.parts)
bolt = model.parts[0]
nut = model.parts[1]
# Creating Implicit blank part for bolt.
implicitBolt = inspire.Implicit()
implicitBolt.name = "Implicit Bolt"
# Creating Implicit blank part for nut.
implicitNut = inspire.Implicit()
implicitNut.name = "Implicit Nut"
# Converting bolt and nut to implicit body.
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