In a few words, the Certification browser assesses methods on geometric regions (designpoints) representing a Structural Element. Methods are fed by attributes queried from the FE model + FE results, as well as external information not held by FE models.
Steps to follow :
1 – Import the FEM
2 – Import the results
3 – Open the Certification Browser and create DDP and structural property
4 - Create the calculation Method (a Compose script in this example)
5 – Execute the method on the elements and the load cases
6 – Extract and post-process the results
What are the results that are supported by the Certification Browser?
Certification is enabled only in OptiStruct and Nastran user profiles in HW2021.2.
Which code language can be used for the functions used as Methods ?
Such functions can be coded either as:
- Python functions
- Compose (OML) functions
- C++ dynamic libraries (DLL)
- Tcl procedures
How to add scripts (Compose, Python or TCL) in the Certification Browser?
User can add methods by selecting scripts directly from the interface.
In the Methods Manager, in the Resources tab, right-clicking on a file type name allows user to select a script file to add its content to HyperWorks.
Why should I save a xml file of my library?
User can create and save methods in the library directly from the interface. These libraries can be saved as a xml file and then be loaded in any HW session or shared with other users.