Getting material data by id
For Abaqus, try:
hm_getvalue mats id=<MAT_ID> dataname=Young
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For 'Radioss 2017', try:
hm_getvalue mats id=<MAT_ID> dataname=MAT_E
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Hello, how to obtain RHO and NU? When I tried to use hm_getentityvalue mats MATERIALID \$E NU 0 -byid I got 0 /emoticons/default_sad.png' srcset='/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x' title=':(' width='20' /> the same for RHO
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Whatever the solver profile, manually change the material data value in hypermesh, and read the command.tcl file.
Suppose you have changed the density (rho), you will notice the following reflected in your command file: (hypermesh 2017. In older versions, you can find it in 'attributeupdatedouble')
*setvalue mats id=41 STATUS=2 183={8.77e-009}
which means '183' is the parameter code. Since you have the attribute dataname now, you can query it in your script like so:
hm_getvalue mats id=41 dataname=183
This will return the rho (density) value currently assigned to the field!