How to draw complex curves in hypergraph

Any one having idea how to automate complex curves in hypergraph ?
Getting incorrect vector when trying to access 'yp' and 'ym'.Please correct below code if any issue
proc release_handles { lst_handles } {
foreach handle $lst_handles {
catch { $handle ReleaseHandle }
hwi OpenStack;
hwi GetSessionHandle hwISession
hwISession GetProjectHandle hwIProject
hwISession GetDataFileHandle hwIDataFile 'C:/Users/vreddy26/My_Work_Space/HYPERMESH/2018_WORK/Naveen_DriveShaft/Analysis_4_Axle_Whine/P703_2p0_Panther_Value_E_MT88_4x2_3p73_Response_Drive.pch'
set filepath 'C:/Users/vreddy26/My_Work_Space/HYPERMESH/2018_WORK/Naveen_DriveShaft/Analysis_4_Axle_Whine/P703_2p0_Panther_Value_E_MT88_4x2_3p73_Response_Drive.pch'
#SUBCASE 102 Acc At Axle flange
set SubcaseSelected 'SUBCASE 101'
hwIDataFile SetSubcase $SubcaseSelected
set DataTypeList [ hwIDataFile GetDataTypeList ]
set XDataType [ lindex $DataTypeList 0 ]
set YDataType [ lindex $DataTypeList end-1]
set YRequest [ hwIDataFile GetRequestList $YDataType false ]
set YComponentList [ hwIDataFile GetComponentList $YDataType $YRequest ]
set YCompSelected ''
#time being setting to 3(z-axis)
set Axis 3
if {$Axis == 1} {
set YCompSelected [lrange YComponentList 0 0]
} elseif {$Axis == 2} {
set YCompSelected [lrange YComponentList 1 1]
} elseif {$Axis == 3} {
set YCompSelected [lrange YComponentList 2 2]
hwIProject GetPageHandle hwIPage 1
hwIPage GetWindowHandle hwIWindow 1
hwIWindow SetClientType 'Plot'
hwIWindow GetClientHandle hwIPlot
hwIPlot SetBackgroundColor 1
hwIPlot SetFrameColor 1
hwIPlot GetLegendHandle Legend
Legend GetFontHandle FontHand
FontHand SetFamily 'Arial Black'
FontHand SetStyle 'Bold'
FontHand SetSize 10
hwIPlot SetChartType complex
hwIPlot AddCurve ri
hwIPlot GetCurveHandle hwICurve [ hwIPlot GetNumberOfCurves ]
hwICurve GetVectorHandle xVector x
hwICurve GetVectorHandle ypVector yp
hwICurve GetVectorHandle ymVector ym
yp and ym objs referring to data extraction class(
pulIDataExtractor ) |