How to show H3d annimation video from motion solve in powerpoint + Screenshots of annimation
I would like to show 2 videos from motion solve in PowerPoint. I know there is an export to PowerPoint, but I don't have PowerPoint on the computer that has Motion Solve installed. Is there a way to convert the h3d animation file into MP4?
Also is there a way to take screenshots of the animation without using windows snipping tools?
You can use this toolbar at the top of Hyperview window (where you view the .h3d result file). If you hover over each button, you'll get a description of what it does. The first button is a toggle to save a file or save to clipboard. The button next to it captures the graphics area as a screenshot (either as a file or clipboard based on toggle settings).
The last two options on the right allow the export of a video file, either the entire graphics area or a dynamic rectangle chosen by the user.
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with the HyperView 2021, you could be able to do the advanced capture
with that you can record the display video, if you play the animation, into a mp4 file.
I hope that this option helps.