Solid from Surfaces: Strange Issue with No closed volume found Message
Firstly, happy new year wishes to ya'll.
I've encountered this issue before. I was trying to Hex mesh a connecting rod component. The original component was of solid geometry imported as a STEP file.
I've split the part to take advantage of the symmetry followed by defeaturing of the same. I had to manually remove many of the fillets and after the defeaturing process was done, the resulting entity (ies) were no longer a 'solid'. They were a bunch of surfaces enclosing.
I tried to convert in to a solid using Solid -> Bounding Surfaces option, but I get an error 'no closed volume found' with a red dot.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I've tried the usual methods of identifying if any open or free edges are there in the model, but I could not identify any!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I have a hunch the red dot means that there is an error with the surface and hence a solid cannot be constructed using that particular geometry. Hoping for some tips on how to resolve the red dot issue.
FYI, I tried deleting that surface and reconstructing but the resulting surface is highly distorted from what it is supposed to be. To be honest, trying to repair or reconstruct the surface any further would involve a lot of work...
In a case like this, with one ill-tempered surface, I'd suggest just simply deleting the offending surface or surfaces. Then re-create a new one with ruled. With that, let's hope it'd behave well enough to create a solid.
There's one more plane of symmetry here, so you could do a bit less work yet. Split this down the ZY plane.
- Robert
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Thanks for the reply.
The 2nd picture from the last shows resulting surface after deleting the original offending one. The right surface of the inner hole (the non-highlighted one in the 2nd pic from the last) is good in terms of definition. I was able to deleted the original one, recreate it and resulting surface matched exactly as expected. Perhaps, I need to delete & recreate a bunch of surfaces surrounding the offending one (including the offending one as well). This is what I was hoping to avoid since it would involve a lot of work. May be, I'll try to defeature the model in CAD software itself. I don't know...
Thanks for identifying another plane of symmetry in the model...missed that one.
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Hiu Burner2k and Robert,
I have been experiencing something very similar with a solid I am trying to assemble from some surfaces, but I end up with a 'red solid'. This solid recognizes all the bodies I have separated but it shows them all together into one part and I cannot select them separately anymore. Have you faced something similar? I am leaving a picture to show you.
Thanks for the response /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />