In a model, how to view the magnitude of the applied loads based on selected nodes?
Hi karth
In HyperView use the vector option, where you can view the magnitude and direction of displacement for selected nodes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hello Pranav,
Thanks for your reply.
But, I would like to view the magnitude of the applied forces?
As you could see in the image, the load symbol is visible in Hypermesh. I am able to isolate the load. But don't know how to view the magnitude of it?
Did you try this?
Go to Analysis panel > loads.
Tick on label loads which will display the magnitude.
Use the 'uniform size' panel to adjust the size of the load vector.
Hi Pranav,
I ensured now that the label loads parameter is checked.
But, it is displaying only the label 123 as earlier.
To add in detail:
These loads were imported from Altair Flux.
In my case, for a single node, the load value differs for each of the frequencies incorporated in the model. That might be the case, the load value is not getting displayed!?
If it is labeled as 123.., then it would be a constraint rather than a load.
123 represents the degrees of freedom. This would be some conversion error.
You can add loads to the required nodes after deleting those constraints.