How to remove holes on solid geometry
I need to remove many holes on a thin plate solid geometry (not a surface) quickly.
I know that holes on a surface can be removed by using 'defeature'.
But on a solid, removing holes by using 'defeature' needs at least 3steps,I think;
copying surface on a solid,removing holes by 'defeature',and draging the flattend surface.
I want to do these at 1step.
Hi max0926
In Geom Page>> AUtocleanup panel>> click Edit Parameters.
You should see 'solid hole recognition'.
Check the box Remove for a hole radius range input and click OK.
Now, click AutoCleanup to remove holes.
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Here is a Trick to remove solid holes using the dimensioning panel, please check it out here-
You can find several tips and tricks on all topics here -