How to change the element size in OS-T_ 2030 Control Arm with Draw Direction Constraints
can you be more specific, please?
Once you have a solid mesh, you can extract 'faces' in HyperWorks, delete the previous solid mesh, refine the resulting external shell elements, and create a solid tetra mesh back again. Take care only with some points that might lose properties or boundary conditions depending on how you do this.
Now if you need to build a hexa mesh, it would be better if you had the geometry as well.
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I tried to change the element size in "OS-T:2030 Control Arm with Draw Direction Constraints" however, when I wanted to select elements in "Volume tetra", it is not possible to select them.
How is it possible to have solid elements in tutorial OS-T:2030, please? Is there any possibility to have the geometry of that tutorial, as well? Thank you.