How to use "Dynamic zoom" with Shift + Middle mouse
You can do this with Ctrl + Middle mouse button,
Please see
HyperWorks Desktop Applications > HyperWorks Desktop Overview > Input Controls:
HyperMesh Mouse Graphic Controls
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Thanks Rahul for your recommendation but we already knew Ctrl+ Middle Mouse. However, we need 'Dynamic zoom', not Drag/Rectangle area zooming because I use NX and it has 'dynamic zoom' with Shift + Middle mouse. This help users feel more reality when zooming in the model.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thanks Rahul for your recommendation but we already knew Ctrl+ Middle Mouse. However, we need 'Dynamic zoom', not Drag/Rectangle area zooming because I use NX and it has 'dynamic zoom' with Shift + Middle mouse. This help users feel more reality when zooming in the model.
to assign Shift+Middle mouse perhaps altarian need to change something in hm core
but as your neccessary, you can assign shortcut key (Preferences>Keyboard settings) forexample 'z' key with function 'hm_scaleview'
dont need to hold down 'z', just press it, zoom, and right-click mouse to terminate zooming
manipulations may not same as nx but it help you ignore clicking on the toolbar button twice
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This is a great workaround, Just to be clear
Go to Preferences > keyboard settings >
select the appropriate key by clicking in the keyboard menu or holding down that key on your keyboard. The selected key highlights in blue. Next, enter hm_scaleview > click apply and OK (you may have to expand the window in some machines to see the apply and OK options)
When the command is first executed, it waits for the cursor to move into the graphics area. The left mouse button can then be held and dragged in/out to zoom. The right mouse button can be used to cancel the operation. Moving the mouse outside the graphics area also cancels the operation
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Thanks Tinh & Rahul for your recommending solutions. It is close to what I need. Appreciate both of you very much.