Antenna Efficiency

Dear ebdaculan
(Provided that your antenna has a source applied) Efficiency is automatically available under the 'Power' request data in POSTFEKO:
You can add this request to a Cartesian graph and then select 'Efficiency' under 'Quantity' on the Result Palette (on the right-hand side in POSTFEKO).
Note that the fficiency quantity would by default only include the effect of losses in the antenna. If you also want to see the effect of input mismatch on the efficiency, your should modify the 'Power' settings (on the Source/Load tab in CADFEKO). Specifically you should select the 'Incident power (transmission line model)' option and set the source power and the real and imaginary parts of the feed/source impedance:
With these settings applied, the 'Efficiency' quantity in POSTFEKO will include both the effect of losses and of mismatch.
Kind regards,
Johan H
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