Where do I find the file DLLWIZ20.VSIX on the Altair website, as required for Embed installation?

Peter Freere
Peter Freere New Altair Community Member
edited April 2023 in Community Q&A


  • Ric_22025
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    Installing Microsoft Visual Studio and Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020

    If you want to create a block that has custom C/C++ code for simulation and/or code generation, you need Microsoft

    Visual Studio (MSVS) and the Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020.

    Note: When you install Embed, it detects the version of MSVS installed on your computer.

    • If it detects MSVS v2017 or older, Embed automatically installs a complementary Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020.
    • If you have MSVS v2019 or newer, you have to install the Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020.

    If MSVS is not installed on your computer at the time of the Embed installation, you must install MSVS and then re-install Embed.

    To install Microsoft Visual Studio

    1. Go to the Microsoft Visual Studio download webpage (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/). If you want an older

    version, go to https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/older-downloads/.

    1. Follow the directions on the webpage to download the version you want to use.

    The Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020 supports both the Professional and Express or Community editions of


    To install the Altair Embed Add-On DLL Wizard 2020

    Note: You must have MSVS v2017+ installed on your computer.

    1. In File Explorer, go to Altair > Embed2022.3.
    2. Double-click DLLWIZ20.VSIX.
    3. Follow the on-screen directions.
  • Andrei Urtmintsev
    Andrei Urtmintsev
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    The wizard is not on Altair website. The wizard is in Embed application folder on your computer. There are two flavors: dllWiz20.vsix and dllWiz22.vsix.

    The first one is for Visual Studio 2019, the second one - for Visual Studio 2022.