*** ERROR # 1026 *** in the input data:
Hi everybody!
I'm a freshman here. i trying to run an analysis but fellow this errors
*** ERROR # 1026 *** in the input data:
Duplicate ID's not allowed.
Detected while reading line 2412 from file
E:/works/dump truck/Truck_PARTS/Side Board/for analysis/analysis results/classic_model_2D_mesh_1207.fem:
'RBAR 9955 9828 9828 123456'
i couldnt understand what the number meaning of the RBAR.
does it mean some ID of the spotWeld? i just know the ‘123456’ means a predefined d.o.f. constraint.
weldpoints superpose on the d.o.f.? i checked it's not.
please help me. Thank you very much!
Checking the help page for RBAR should show you, that the 2nd and 3rd number are gridpoints A and B of the element. In you element these are the same nodes which is not alowed.
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Thank you very much, /emoticons/default_happy.png' alt='^_^' srcset='/emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>=d>
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I am doing a modal analysis on baja chassis for that when I am running Radioss solver it show's a error called as 'Error 1026 : Duplicate ID not allowed : Error while reading line 1962 from file.'
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Can you please help me to solve this error make me run the case