Tet4 or Tet10 Mesh?
Hello everybody /emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
One short question:
I'm working with a STL-File, so I've only got a surface with only triangles. To generate a mesh, I used the Standard Tetra Mesher. My question is, if Hypermesh automatically created Tetra-elements first order or second order? My results are very bad, therefore it would be helpful probably, to create a Mesh with tetra-elements second order.
You can define order of your mesh: Preferences -> Meshing Options -> element order
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Thank you for your response.
I first have to delete my current mesh, change the preferences to tet10 and then create a new mesh?
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Maybe try: 3D-> order change -> change to 2nd -> select elements -> change order
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Thank you for your response again.
My solver is LS Dyna. Is it possible to run a implicit calculation with TET-10 elements?
ChiaBr0 -
If you are running LS-DYNA and is unhappy with your results with Tet-4 elems, you could also try to use element formulation 13 for your tets. They should be less prone to volumetric locking then for instance.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you for your response again.
My solver is LS Dyna. Is it possible to run a implicit calculation with TET-10 elements?
We never use 2nd degre elements with LS-DYNA.
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You can change the order of element from 1st order to 2nd and vice versa as well without deleting the existing one from 3D - Order change - 1st or 2nd.
It's better to work on tet4 for Implicit Calculations else the tet10 is not being significant to work with. But i am not sure about LS Dyna whether it is feasible to do on LS Dyna for Implicit with Tet10.