Deleting the surface shell mesh after generating the tetramesh

I used the 'Tetra Mesh' function to generate a 3D tetramesh from a surface shell mesh (tria elements). However, I noticed that after the tetramesh was generated. The surface shell mesh remains.
Is it possible to somehow remove the tria shell elements while/after generating the tetra mesh?
I have a nodeset that I would like to retain over this process. I tried generating the tetra mesh in a separate component and then delete the original shell mesh component to keep the tetra elements only. However, the nodeset was also deleted after removing the shell mesh.
Hi Wensong,
You can associate nodes set which you have create to the geometry and use the same.
1) Before you delete the shell mesh, go to Associate panel (F7 is the shortcut key) and associate the nodes set to surface
2) Delete the shell elements
3) Review the nodes set you should see the nodes available.
But the nodes wont be associated with the tetra mesh. Using the nodes in the nodes set you have create another node set.
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I have got some strange 'behaviors' of set visualization function in Hyperworks 13.
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Altair Forum User said:
I have got some strange 'behaviors' of set visualization function in Hyperworks 13.
Could you please let us know what it is?
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Altair Forum User said:
Could you please let us know what it is?
See my screenshots.