How to set-up parameter sweep of a range of forces in HyperStudy on a composite model?
I am simulating a three point bend test on a composite sample. I would like to simulate/ analyse a range of forces at once and view the analysis as a graph rather than simulating one force to be applied separately. Can someone instruct me if its possible to use a previously meshed model from HyperMesh in HyperStudy to apply parameter sweep of forces?
Many thanks
It is possible to use the same model and run a force sweep study in HyperStudy. Here are the steps:
1. Parameterize your input deck such that the force magnitude is a parameter that you will use as a design variable.
2. In HyperStudy 13, in the study setup specifications step, pick sweep study and enter the number of runs you would like to simulate.
If you are not using HyperStudy 13, you can use the process outlined in tutorial HS-2200 in DOE tutorials instead of the step 2 above.