Residual Stress as a Boundary Cond.
This should be my last Topic for the next time in which I need advice /emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Let´s say at example there is a cylinder stress strained in the area of placticity. But the Force stops wide before it reached the tensile strength. After that the cylinder has a residual stress with a different profile and magnitude of tangential- , radial- and axialstress. How can I type in that status of stressprofile (magnitude included) as a boundary condition for next analysis?
At example to have a look to the superpoition with the new stress. Or to see the magnitude of the force which breaks the cylinder with the stresses in it.
In my simulation I used an implicit analysis HyperWorks v 12, Hyper Mesh, Radioss Block 110 format.
Dear Mr. Pagadala,
thanks for your advice. It helped a lot. I now have the right files (.sty) in which my results are in Ascii format available. But it´s not obvious for me how to bind in the files.
i normally had the starter and engine file.
I started the analysis with the radioss solver run manager, typed in the path to the starter file (with options - both for engine).
I know I have to use the /inista card. But I have no idea how to continue.
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You should see a file with the extenstion .sta.
Please import that file in HyperMesh with the below options checked.
Now, apply the material and loads and carry the simulation. The .sta file will have the stress, strain data along with the thickness variations.
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I actually had no .sta file. Only the sty -files. But I now created a -sta file with /state/dt ....
Okay, there are written the bricks with nodes and coordinates.
But it´s not possible to use the .sty? There are still written every Stresses and strains.
It´s a bit confusing to me, why I create everything in HyperMesh, start the analysis, get a .sta file. And then make the whole process with the .sta file?
In Radioss FAQ:
'It is possible to define an initial stress state by using option /INISTA.
This option uses an OUTPUT file (Runname_0000.sty) describing the structure of the model for which a file Runname_nnnn.sty defines a stress state.'
Now at this point there should be written, how bind both files in the analysis!
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Please use .sta instead of .sty.
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I´m afraid, it did not work
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Hi Fabian,
can you please share your model files?
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Thanks for sharing the files.
I will get back to you asap.
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Thank you for your help
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Hi Fabian,
Is the material used for the second simulation is same as the first?
could you please share the .out file and also the starter and engine file for the simulation 2?
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Hello Mr. Pagadala,
yes, the material is the same. I uploaded it in your Dropbox.
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Thanks for sharing the files.
I will check and update to you soon.
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Thanks for helping!