How do I create an MSVC 2008 C++ project to make a custom VisSim block?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Submitted by Ric on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 01:58 

I want to add a custom block that I write in C/C++ into the VisSim menu that can be used in a VisSim diagram just like all the other blocks. I want VisSim to send the wired input data to my block, have my block execute my C code and pass the results back into the VisSim workspace via output wires. I see that your DLL interface allows this. How do I create an MSVC 2008 C++ project to make a custom VisSim block?


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2016

    Submitted by Anders89 on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 02:05.


    Do the following:
    1) Start MSVC
    2) Select File > New > Project
    3) In the left-hand pane click project type: 'Visual C++', in the right-hand pane click VisSim Add-on DLL Wizard
    4) Give your project a nondefault name if you like then click OK
    5) Answer the Wizard's questions and a project will be created at the end. Use of the wizard is documented in detail in the VisSim on-line help.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2016

    Submitted by Ric on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 08:15.

    Step 1, 2, worked, step 3, there is no VisSim addon dll wizard in the right hand pane, any suggestions?


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2016

    Submitted by Anders89 on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 08:22.

    If you already installed VisSim before MSVC, no worries, just reinstall VisSim. It will update necessary files and install the MSVC wizard. If you have a trial, do not uninstall VisSim as that will terminate the trial.