Finding transfer function of 3D model by Activate/Motionview
I have a model created in Motionview with specified input and output (Supposing I have a body moves with a friction force, the applying force and the velocity of body correspond to input and output). I wonder how can I find the transfer function of this system? I think it can be done by cosimulating with Activate but I don't know exactly the progress. Could anyone help me to deal with it?
Thanks for your attention.
Best Answer
Friction force is a typical non-linear element that is not well suited to be captured by transfer function .
So in order to analyse the behavior of a mechanism subjected to friction in the frequency domain, you can use either of the two following way :
- Modelize friction in Activate :
- Set friction force to zero in MotionView model
- Linearize MotionView model with respect to force input and velocity output (see below)
- Assemble a deidicated Activate model made of :
- MotionView linear state matrices (without friction)
- Friction formulation based on saturation, gain, etc ...
- Modelize friction in MotionView :
- Simulate the response of the mechanism to some sweepsine excitation force over a meaningfull frequency range
- Use Compose to plot estimated FRFs between input (excitation force) and output signals (body velocity) by leveraging dedicated "ms_cpsdplot" feature
- Rerun same analysis with different magnitude of excitation force
You can linearize your MotionView model the following way :
- Define a solver variable to be used in the force expression
- Refer this solver variable in a plant input solver array with flagged "used for linearization"
- Define a solver variable measuring the velocity of the body
- Refer this solver variable in a plnat output solver array with flagged "used for linearization"
- Set linear simulation settings to output Compose OML state matrices (2020.1)
- Simulate static operating point and linear analysis
Regards .
Friction force is a typical non-linear element that is not well suited to be captured by transfer function .
So in order to analyse the behavior of a mechanism subjected to friction in the frequency domain, you can use either of the two following way :
- Modelize friction in Activate :
- Set friction force to zero in MotionView model
- Linearize MotionView model with respect to force input and velocity output (see below)
- Assemble a deidicated Activate model made of :
- MotionView linear state matrices (without friction)
- Friction formulation based on saturation, gain, etc ...
- Modelize friction in MotionView :
- Simulate the response of the mechanism to some sweepsine excitation force over a meaningfull frequency range
- Use Compose to plot estimated FRFs between input (excitation force) and output signals (body velocity) by leveraging dedicated "ms_cpsdplot" feature
- Rerun same analysis with different magnitude of excitation force
You can linearize your MotionView model the following way :
- Define a solver variable to be used in the force expression
- Refer this solver variable in a plant input solver array with flagged "used for linearization"
- Define a solver variable measuring the velocity of the body
- Refer this solver variable in a plnat output solver array with flagged "used for linearization"
- Set linear simulation settings to output Compose OML state matrices (2020.1)
- Simulate static operating point and linear analysis
Regards .