extract stress values in material system
is it possible to retrieve the Stress values in the material system in Compose, using the readvector/readmultivector?
The default is analysis system, but it depends on the node numbering sequence. I'd like to have it in my standard material system.
Thanks in advance,
Unfortunately it is not possible, because these readers behave exactly like HyperGraph's. And in HyperGraph there is no such way to retrieve data in the material system.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
My suggestion is to create a simple parser to read coordinate systems from the .fem model and then transform these results in Compose. These parsers are fairly simple and I can share an example here in the forum depending on your need.
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Hi Roberta,
It would be nice to have an example of parser.
Anyway, I will export from HM the element orientation angles from the shell elements.
Thanks for the quick response.
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In the attached file, you can see an example of function:
[setIDlist, elemIDlist, elemprop, propmat, matparam] = readset_prop_mat(modelfile,inputSet)
- modelfile: .fem file name (string)
- inputSet: set ID (number)
- setIDlist: list of set IDs (eg: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- elemIDlist: list of element IDs in a way that Compose/HyperGraph readers understand them (eg: E1, E2, E3, E4)
- elemprop: list of element IDs with respective properties (current version looks for CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 only)
- propmat: list of properties that have been queried based on the elements and respective materials
- matparam: list of materials that have been queried based on the properties and respective parameters (considering MAT8 with 5 parameters)
The step by step is:
- A certain set is parsed based on the input ID
- The element list stored in that set is parsed
- Those elements are searched in order to determine their properties
- Those properties are searched in order to determine their materials
- Those materials are searched in order to determine their parameters
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Thanks a lot, @robertavarela
This will be helpful!