What is the meaning of 'mesh flow' or 'mesh flow line' ? Please explain.

Kindly refer to the following document attached for your reference:
Thank You
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Hey /profile/94428-prasannak/?do=hovercard' data-mentionid='94428' href='<___base_url___>/profile/94428-prasannak/' rel=''>@PrasannaK. Thank you for the replay. I came to this topic after reading that pdf itself. The document uses the term 'mesh flow' and 'mesh flow line' but it doesn't explain what it means. I have read that maintaining a better mesh flow is required for a good mesh. But what does a better or bad mesh-flow/mesh-flow-line mean?.
Ps:Mesh flow doesn't mean the mesh is actually flowing/moving or is dynamic ryt?
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Hi granzer,
This actually only means that the alignment of the connections between the elements is as smooth as possible in relation to the edge geometry.
Left side has a lot better mesh flow, as the right side mesh.
This is very important in crash (my field) and non-linear analysis. In general the mesh quality is improved by mesh flow (except number of trias).
Best Regards,