SPI Slave transmit problem
I' m trying to communicate between two LaunchXL-f28069M boards using SPI interface. At the beginning in order to monitor all the Tx and Rx data with HIL I used a single device where I selected SPIA as Master and SPIB as slave.
With the help of example given in solidThinking Embed I developed a model to transmit from Master to slave. However I convert the code to develop Slave to Master transmission and it is not working. These two are develop as two seperate models. (In final model both operations needs to be done in single model) All the files are attached herewith. It will be a great support if any of you can help me to find the solution.
The thing to remember about SPI is that the Master controls the clock. So if you want to read data from the slave, the Master must write dummy data to the slave just to drive the clock even though the slave will ignore any data that the Master writes. In your diagram the Master never does a write, so no data will be exchanged. The attached diagram has the master drive the clock at a 1kHz rate. Please try it.