Inspire 2019.4 BUG?
I found that after working with the PolyNURBS (cut feature to finish the editing process) and checking that there are no intersections on the model I quit the Cut tool and it tells me that the part has intersections and I should fix them with the PolyNURB tool. When I try to do this (of course it can't be edited after the cut operation) I click on the PolyNurbs feature and inspire crash and close.
I hope it helps to fix the problem
Hi Agustin,
It is bug, should not show self intersection warning & should not crash also...will create ticket for this.RegardsSourav0 -
Hi Sourav,
What should I do? Because with this version I have this problem and with the previews one I can't run FEA because I have the error that stops at 64%. It is convenient to work with polynurbs on 2019.3.1 and then do the FEA on 2019.4.
Also I realice with a friend that has the 2019.1 can see a lot of intersections on the polynurbs that I cant.Regards
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Hi Agustin,
please send me the file if you can I would like to check. You can email me if it is confidential.