Multiple Frequencies at once

pmcardle Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Is it possible to used the MoM and send in multiple frequencies simultaneously? As in if I have an incident plane wave, in one simulation can two different frequencies be solved simultaneously? 





  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2020

    The MoM solves a single frequency at a time. For instance you cannot have two antennas, one operating at f1 and the other at f2 at the same time.

    Actually all of the solvers work this way.


    But if you want to solve a frequency loop and want to solve more than 1 frequency at the same time, this could be done by setting up a grid search with the optimizer and farming out the frequencies, e.g. solving then one frequency per core. Still the results would be combined as if a single frequency at a time was solved.