Export 3D Mesh from flux and import elements of a face in 2D

Imanol Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I want to use the mesh that Flux creates in a 3D electrical machine model in a 2D model of the machine.


The 3D mesh is extruded, and thus, the elements are located in the same xy coordenates along the z-axis.


Is there a way to export the mesh in 3D so that it can be imported directly in the 2D project?


Thank you!



  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2020


    From Flux 3D project you can export the mesh to 2D project. To do it:

    • Project >> select export

    • Select export mesh

    • Select export mesh to TRA file (Flux 2D)

    • a window opens, select the faces whose mesh you want to export

    Best regards.

  • Imanol
    Imanol Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020


    From Flux 3D project you can export the mesh to 2D project. To do it:

    • Project >> select export

    • Select export mesh

    • Select export mesh to TRA file (Flux 2D)

    • a window opens, select the faces whose mesh you want to export

    Best regards.

    Hello Abdessamed, I have exported the mesh as you suggested, but how can I import it to the 2D project?


    Thank you!

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2020


    Regarding the mesh import option in Flux 2D, I think the best way to use a 3D mesh in 2D project is to solve the 3D project (knowing that the project 3D contains surface regions on which you want to export the mesh).

    To do it, one the project is solved:

    1. In data exchange, select export quantity and after select export spatial quantity and formula starting from different types of supports
    2. Flux open a window (see attached PPT file)

    The PPT file explain the different steps you need to follow to export the mesh.

    Once the file is exported, you open a new Flux 2D project, form project >> select import >> import mesh.


    Hope this will help.

    Best regards.

    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog

  • Imanol
    Imanol Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020

    It worked!


    Thank you!!

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2020

    you are welcome.


    Best regards.