Warning Messages in Flux 3D Transient Magnetic Simulation

I have been receiving the following warning messages towards the end of my 3D transient magnetic simulations. I don't know what to make out of these messages.
Would anyone please kindly advise how to decode these and understand how these effect my simulation results.
Have a great day
it a warning or a error message. because if it an error message , this means that the solving of the project is stoped.
Can you share the Flux project?
Best regards.
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@Abdessamed , I believe these are warnings. If you notice the name at the top of the window in my snapshots it says 'Warning'. Also these came after all time steps of the magnetic transient simulation are completely run. I could view the iso plots, 2D curves for all time steps without any problem. So that means the simulation did not stop in between.
Unfortunately, I cannot share my file due to restrictions. However, I could create a dummy project run it and see if I get these warnings. If I get the warnings again, I can share the project with you.
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Thanks for the feedback. can you send me the report and log file? the goal is to see why you get this error message.
Best regards.