Mark Mansfield
Recently installed 2019.3 version of Inspire Cast. Unable to get Offline or Online Help to work. Internet working normally
Altair help files are not included in the installation directory where the application is launched.
The Inspire help is available online by default, which requires internet access. If you have internet access and are receiving this error message, go to Preferences > Workspace and confirm that the Use Online Help option is selected. If that option is selected and you are still receiving this error message, most likely there is a temporary problem with either your internet access or the help server.
If you prefer to access the help locally, you will need to download and install it first. You can do this by going to File > Help > Download Offline Help and selecting where to install the help as well as the help language. If help is not available for the language you have selected, you will see an error message in the status bar.
The help can be installed locally or on a network. Be sure to select the Always Use Offline Help option if you want to use the offline rather than the online help.
Note: Once offline help has been installed, you can switch between using online or offline help in the Preferences. If you do not have internet access and need to download the offline help package, you will need to contact your IT department for assistance.